domingo, 8 de mayo de 2016

Unit #12 Consumer Society

Some adverbs are used with adjectives and other adverbs. Examples in this lesson are called "intensifiers." Intensifiers provide greater depth of meaning for the words they describe.
Some common intensifiers are somewhat, surely, highly, certainly, very, really, extremely, quite, such, extraordinarily, and tremendously. There are others, but these are a good start if you are new to using them.

For each sentence, choose the best word or phrase to complete the gap from the choices below.

The adjective word order shown above occurs with a small amount of variation. Preference for particular word order is influenced by the speech of friends, community members, and media personalities in news, in commercials, in songs, and so on).  In addition, word order is influenced by the ability to recall and retrieve words when describing a stored visual image.
More word-order variation tends to occur with the first three categories (Opinion, Appearance, Age) than the last three (Color, Origin, Type).  When in doubt, ask a native speaker, who will most likely have a strong opinion about what order sounds natural.  This chart is offered to you as a guide. The categories are not written in stone.

Arrange modifiers in natural sounding word order

Unit #11 The Wider World


INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct quantifier to complete the sentence.

INSTRUCTIONS: In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers:
much, many, a lot of, most, a little, little, a few, few


INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

INSTRUCCTIONS: Complete the text with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

Unit #10 New Speak


INSTRUCTIOS: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the correct tense in order to express a future in the past.


INSTRUCTIONS: In this exercise two people have to say the same script, but try through body-language to convey different messages. Hilarious and really shows how much people communicate through non-verbal communication.

INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the sentences using relative clauses. Use who and which.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the text again and complete the sentences according to the text.

Unit # 9 Work Experience

Sentences Using ing

1. Listen to the word and then fill in the blanks spaces with the correct answer to complete the sentences.

Compound Nouns

2. Click on the next button to start to play. Then select the correct answer to get points! Play time! 

Dangerous Jobs

3.  Read the article about dangerous jobs and share a comment opening your facebook account.! Enjoy it.

People Talking about Their Jobs

3. Watch about people talking of their jobs . Then give your opinions down to the link.

Unit # 8 The Perfect Choice

Conditional Sentences

1. Click on the button who says next and after that select teams and now it’s to play!! Lets go!


2.  Click on the button of Learn and Review then click on the button of vocabulary , its play time!


White Lies

3.  Feeling in the blanks to complete the sentences.

People Talking about Lies

4. Watch the video named When Is It Okay To Lie? Then give your opinions down to the link.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2016

Unit # 7 One World

Reported Speech

            1.  Finish the given sentences in Reported Speech.  Mind the introductory sentences and backshift
of  tenses. Enjoy to practice that following  activity! 


1.         2. Explore Recycle City to see how its people reduce waste, use less energy, and save money by doing           simple things at home, at work, and in their neighborhoods.            
C        Click on the City picture to start to read all the articles.

People Giving Opinions About Recycling

1.        3. Watch the video to know some people opinions in the United Stated. Reflect on that!

Global Warming
                      Fill each gap with a word from the list. Each word must be used once only.

viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Unit # 6 Get Some Perspective

Modals of Deduction

1. Listen to the conversations and then read some examples using modals of deduction and after that work on the part of checking your grammar to practice the new topic!

Descriptive Adjectives

2.  Describing Pictures is a wonderful online game. In this game are given some pictures and sentences that you have to describe them.

Describing Character

3. In the following grammar game you have to put in a correct way all the works that belongs to each square.

 Talking about people

4. Describing people is amazing , click a botton to choose a letter which you think is in the mistery word